Technical ToolTechnical Tool
- The Technical tool allows users to to change any input parameter in the
model. Also, users may create and upload their own weather, plant,
irrigation and/or solution fertilizer input files.
- A description of each input parameter and the units required can be
found by mousing over the parameter name in the input page.
- After entering input parameter values, click the submit button to run
the simulation and view output.
- A user's manual which
provides detailed information regarding CCROP inputs, processes simulated,
and output generated can be viewed in PDF format.
P_Spec file
*Planting and move schedule*
PLT_DOY = plant day of year
START_YR = start year
END_YR = last year of multiple year run
MOVE = move schedule (enter FIXED or LAI)
MOVE1 = first container move (days after planting)
MOVE2 = second container move (days after planting)
MOVE3 = third container move (days after planting)
MOVE_LAI = move containers when this LAI is reached (for MOVE=LAI)
NOM = maximum number of moves (for MOVE=LAI)
*Transplant detail*
ILA = initial leaf area of transplant (cm2)
IHT = initial height (cm)
IWD = initial width (cm)
Status = IN_STATUS = N status of transplant (enter LOW, OPT, or INPUT)
ITW_Nact = N concentration in shoots (g/g)
IRW_Nact = N concentration in roots (g/g)
ITW_Pact = P concentration in shoots (g/g)
IRW_Pact = P concentration in roots (g/g)
*Finish detail*
FINISH = finish criterion (enter FIXED or SIZE)
HARVDAYS = days to finish (days after planting)
HARV_HT = height at finish (cm)
*Size check detail*
CHK_DAY1 = frist check day to adjust size (days after planting)
CHK_HT1 = first check height (cm)
CHK_W1 = first check width (cm)
CHK_DAY2 = second check day to adjust size (days after planting)
CHK_HT2 = second check height (cm)
CHK_W2 = second check width (cm)
CHK_DAY3 = third check day to adjust size (days after planting)
CHK_HT3 = third check height (cm)
CHK_W3 = third check width (cm)
*Container detail*
S_VOL = container substrate volume (cm3)
POTDIAM = container top diameter (cm)
PTA0 = area allotted to each container at start (cm2)
PTA1 = area allotted to each container after 1st move (cm2)
PTA2 = area allotted to each container after 2nd move (cm2)
PTA3 = area allotted to each container after 3rd move (cm2)
*Substrate water specs*
SWLL = substrate water content at permanent wilting point (cm3 H20 / cm3 substrate)
SWDUL = substrate water at container capacity (cm3 H20 / cm3 substrate)
TP = total substrate porosity (cm3 pore/cm3 substrate)
PVLF = pour volume leach factor (unitless)
*Irrigation Schedule*
Note: If SCHED='FIXED' set IRR1, IRR2, and/or IRR3 to -99 if no changes in rate required
SCHED = enter type of irrigation schedule (FIXED, MAD or FILE)
RAINCUT = do not irrigate if yesterday\'s rain exceeded the daily irrigation rate (YES or NO)
IRR1 = first change in daily irrigation rate (days after planting)
IRR2 = second change in daily irrigation rate (days after planting)
IRR3 = third change in daily irrigaiton rate (days after planting)
MAD = managed allowable deficit (use to calculate % of available water that must be lost before irrigation is triggered)
MAD_DIF = MAD irrigation deficit factor (calcualtes the target water deficit when irrigating to less than SWDUL)
H2O_NCONC = N concentration of water (ug/cm3)
H2O_PCONC = P concentration of water (ug/cm3)
RAIN_EF = rain effectiveness or relative amount of rain that offsets ET
*Fixed irrigation rates (for FIXED irrigation schedule)*
D_IRR0 = daily irrigation rate at start (cm)
D_IRR1 = daily irrigation rate for IRR1 (cm)
D_IRR2 = daily irrigation rate for IRR2 (cm)
D_IRR3 = daily irrigation rate for IRR3 (cm)
*Input files*
WFNAME = weather file name (e.g. UFEH0008) omit .wth extension
PFNAME = plant file name (e.g. VIBUR_OD) omit .plt extension
IFNAME = irrigation file name e.g. TESTI_1 for file TestI_1.irr
SFFNAME = solution feed file name (e.g. SPRING09) omit .sfn extension
*Fertilizer detail*
FERT = fertilizer rate (g/container)
PCT_CRN = percent controlled-release N of fertilizer (%)
PCT_N = percent N of fertilizer (%)
PCT_P = percent P of fertilizer (%)
PCT_K = percent K of fertilzier (%)
CRF_DAYS = longevity rating of fertilizer (day)
APPL = method of CRF application (INC or SURF)
*Supplemental topdress fertilizer detail*
TDF = topdress fertilizer schedule (enter FIXED,TRIG,or NONE)
TD_DAYS = days after planting to apply topdress
TD_TF = automatically triggers a topdress application when N release drops below this threshold factor of N demand
FERT2 = amount of top dress fertilizer (#N/cu yd)
PCT_CR2 = percent controlled-release nutrients of topdress CRF
PCT_N2 = percent N of topdress fertilizer
PCT_P2 = percent P of topdress fertilizer
PCT_K2 = percent K of topdress fertilizer
CRF_DAYS2 = longevity rating of topdress fertilizer
*Supplemental solution fertilizer detail*
SF = solution fertilizer schedule (enter FIXED,TRIG,FILE,or NONE)
SF_START = day to start solution fertilizer applications (days after planting)
SF_END = day to end solution fertilization application (days after planting)
SF_INT = interval between solution fertilizer applications (day)
SF_TF = solution fertilizer threshold factor (%)
Note: solution fertilizer is triggered when NRELEASE/NDEMANDSF_NCONC = N concentration of solution fertilizer (ug/cm3)
SF_PCONC = P concentration of solution fertilizer (ug/cm3)
*Pruning detail*
PRUNE = pruning schedule (enter FIXED, TRIG, or NONE)
PR1 = days after planting to 1st prune
PR_H1 = height after 1st prune
PR_W1 = width after 1st prune
PR2 = days after planting to 2nd prune
PR_H2 = height after 2nd prune
PR_W2 = width after 2nd prune
PR3 = days after planting to 3rd prune
PR_H3 = height after 3rd prune
PR_W3 = width after 3rd prune
TPR1 = plant height before 1st triggered pruning (cm)
TPR2 = plant height before 2nd triggered pruning (cm)
TPR3 = plant height before 3rd triggered pruning (cm)
CUT = plant height reduction for triggered pruning (cm)
NOPMAX = maximum number of prunings
Weather file (*.wth)
SOLAR = daily solar radiation (MJ/m2/day)
TMAX = daily temperature maximum (oC)
TMIN = daily temperature minimum (oC)
RAIN = daily rainfall (mm)
Plant spec file (VIBUROD.plt)
*Plant parameters*
CROPEC = crop evapotranspiration coefficient (MJ/kPa)
CF_MF = coefficent for determining maximum irrigation capture factor (dimensionless)
CF_IF = coefficient for determining inflection point for irrigation capture factor (dimensionless)
KINPUT = coefficient for biasing temperature for incoming solar radiation (dimensionless)
TDMIN = thermal day minimum (oC)
TDOPTMIN = thermal day optimal minimum (oC)
TDOPTMAX = thermal day optimal maximum (oC)
TDMAX = thermal day max (oC)
SW_TF = available substrate water threshold fraction (unitless)
*More plant parameters*
RTPF = root partitioning factor
LGC1 and LGC2 = leaf growth coefficients for sink-limited growth
LGC3 and LGC4 = coefficients for relating biomass and LA
LGC5 = coefficient for modifying DT (DT1) based upon actual LA
TC1 = coefficient for CDR temperature bias of PARB
RUE = radiation use efficiency (g/MJ)
CINT = solar radiation interception coefficient (unitless)
*Nitrogen supply parameters*
NSUP_MAX1 and NSUP_MAX2 = coefficients for calc NSUPPLY
NSUP_RF = root factor for NSUPPLY
NSUP_C1 and NSUP_C2 = coefficients used to relate SUB_NCONC to NSUPPLY
NSUF_C1 and NSUF_C2 = coefficients used to relate shoot N conc status to NSUF
NSUF_TF = N sufficiency threshold factor relating shoot N status (TRELN) to NSUF
*Phosphorus supply parameters*
PSUP_MAX1 and PSUP_MAX2 = coefficients for calc PSUPPLY
PSUP_RF = root factor for PSUPPLY
PSUP_C1 and PSUP_C2 = coefficients used to relate SUB_PCONC to PSUPPLY
PSUF_C1 and PSUF_C2 = coefficients used to relate shoot P conc status to PSUF
PSUF_TF = P sufficiency threshold factor relating shoot P status (TRELP) to PSUF
*Nitrogen concentration parameters*
TW_Noptmax = maximum optimum N conc in shoot (g/g)
TW_Noptmin = minimum optimum N conc in shoot (g/g)
DT_Nmax = DT used to determine change in TW_Nopt as DT>DT_min (DT)
DT_Nmin = DT when TW_Nopt is max (DT)
TW_Nmin = minimum N concentration in shoot tissue (g/g)
RW_Nopt = optimum N concentration in root tissue (g/g)
*Phosphorus concentration parameters*
TW_Poptmax = maximum optimum P conc in shoot (g/g)
TW_Poptmin = minimum optimum P conc in shoot (g/g)
DT_Pmax = DT used to determine change in TW_Popt as DT>DT_min (DT)
DT_Pmin = DT when TW_Popt is max (DT)
TW_Pmin = minimum P concentration in shoot tissue (g/g)
RW_Popt = optimum P concentration in root tissue (g/g)
*Size parameters*
HTC1,2 = coefficients for relating LA to height
WDC1,2 = coefficients for relating LA to width
SZC1,22 = coefficients for relating plant size index to LA
*Photosynthesis temperature factors*
PHOTOTEMP1 PHOTOTEMP2 PHOTOTEMP3 = coeff. for the temperature effect on photosynthesis
*Pruning factors*
PRTWF1,2 = factors relating prune ht reduction to TW reduction
PRLAF1,2 = factors relating prune ht reduction to LA reduction
Irrigation file (*.irr)
IRRIG = irrigation (cm)
Solution fertilizer file (*.sfn)
SF_NCONC = solution fertilizer N concentration (ug/cm3)
SF_PCONC = solution fertilizer P concentration (ug/cm3)